Point Group Set

Point Group Sets are used to manage scan points a user assigns to a Point Group. Point Groups are similar to the CAD world of 'layers' since groups work and function in a similar manner.

A Point Group Set must be created AND activated, OR an existing set added to the project AND activated before scan points can be assigned to a classification / isolation group.

Below are two point cloud examples where the scan points have been assigned to various groups.

How to Create a Point Group Set

1. Open the Project Explorer panel.

2. Right click on any project folder to bring up a context menu.

3. Create > PointGroupSet.

4. Name your Point Group Set and click the 'Accept' button.

5. In Project Explorer, locate your the Point Group Set and right click to activate it OR drag and drop it into the 'Scene' window.

See also Step By Step Instructions, Point Groups, Area Selection Tools, and Batch Point Cloud Export