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Kohera3D Laser Scanning Solutions

General Info


Assisted Selections

Assisted Selections is located in the Scene Context Menu

Assisted Selections provide a way to quickly select multiple scan points that are near to a single selected seed point. There are three types of selections that can be performed. The user can adjust options that affect the results of these selections. Assisted Selections are available from the scene context menu.

Types of Assisted Selections

Select Points Near Seed Point

Selects all scan points that are within a specified distance from a selected seed point.

Select Points On Plane At Seed Point (keyboard shortcut Alt+F)

Selects scan points that are within a specified distance from a selected seed point and that are within a specified distance tolerance from a plane that is fit to smoothed scan points around the seed point.

Select Points On Quadric Surface At Seed Point (keyboard shortcut Alt+S)

Selects scan points that are within a specified distance from a selected seed point and that are within a specified distance tolerance from a quadric surface that is fit to smoothed scan points around the seed point.


Search Distance

Sets the maximum distance between the seed point and scan points that can be selected. This applies to all selection types.

Max Deviation

There are two maximum deviation values which apply to selections of points on either a plane or a quadric surface. The first value, Surface Fit, specifies the maximum deviation of points that will be included for a calculation of the plane or quadric surface. The second value, Selection, specifies the maximum distance allowed between the calculated surface to the scan points that will be included in the selection.

assisted_selections.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/21 18:34 by admin